Possibilities of a Kinda, Sorta, but Maybe not, Missing Person

I consider myself someone who has always been good at tasks. I mean you give me a job and I will make sure it gets done ! Due to this mindset, schooling, working, and even parenting is easy for me to turn into a routine. I don't think about it I just do it. I … Continue reading Possibilities of a Kinda, Sorta, but Maybe not, Missing Person

Rethinking the Future.

For the longest, I always viewed myself as a self-motivated "career woman". My favorite movie growing up was To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything (very very old movie), and even though the movie was based around men in drag trying to get to a beauty pageant, they described themselves as career women stopping at no … Continue reading Rethinking the Future.

Child for sale !?

Being an introvert it is really hard for me to stay in crowds,talk, or be social in any atmosphere for a long period of time. I literally feel drained,exhausted, and like something physically exhausting has actually happened. In having an honest moment and sharing more than I usually feel comfortable. I felt like today I … Continue reading Child for sale !?